Competition Rules and Format

Review the rules and format: Required reading for competitors

For startups invited to compete: 

The competition rules and format document (here) outlines the details for competing at the RBPC. It is a required reading that will outline the following key points:

  • Confirmation to Compete: Startups invited to compete until Monday, February 24, 2025 at 5:00 PM CT to confirm their participation
  • Competitors: The pitching and presenting startup that competes at the RBPC must contain at least two team members and a maximum of four team members; all must be current students, and at least one must be a current graduate-level student.
  • Attendance: Your startup team is required to attend the event April 10-12, 2025. At least two team members must be present and accessible in every oral presentation, session and round; and that those two members must be current students, and one of them must be a graduate degree-seeking student. 
  • Presenters: For each pitch (excluding the Elevator Pitch), startups need a minimum of two students to pitch (i.e. do the talking), but up to four students can pitch.
  • Documents: You must submit required documents (business plan, company logo, etc.) to compete by mid-March 2025 (exact date TBA)

Want to prepare for the Rice Business Plan Competition and get everything in order in case you are invited to the big show? Take a look at the Competition Rules and Format document.